Working Together

Hopefully you have a team of professionals to help you achieve your personal, family and business goals. These may include accountants, lawyers, bookkeeper, investment advisers and risk protection specialists. None of us are the hero to your story or success, but it’s vital that we are all on the same page, taking care of our own specialized area, so you can focus on being the hero in your families or businesses story.

Collectively, the specialists around you oversee your personal or professional financial matters, represent you with specialised legal knowledge, keep track of your earnings and expenditure, help you navigate your personal & financial goals and make sure there’s a back up plan if something goes wrong.

  • "If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."

    Henry Ford

Collaboration & Expertise

We trust our doctors and medical specialists with our families health. We count on our accountants, bookkeepers & bankers to manage our finances, maximise what’s coming in and minimise what’s going out. We trust our lawyers to inform, advise & represent us with specialised legal knowledge & skills. Our investment advisers assist us achieve our personal & financial goals; be that budgeting to buy a first home or manage superannuation for retirement.

At Business Risk Solutions we do not have the expertise or desire to advise in any of these specialised areas. But we are the only specialist area that needs to understand your situation in each & every one of these other areas so we can select the most appropriate insurance provider for your health, understand who needs to get paid, how much needs to be paid and how should it be structured so your family and/or business partners can continue with their respective goals if something happens to your short term or long term health.

Effective collaboration needs mutual trust & respect, effective communication and the desire to work together to achieve a common goal. I take great pride and consider it a tick of approval when legal and wealth specialists refer their clients to our team for their wealth protection needs.

I’d love the opportunity to work with your team of experts to protect your families or your businesses future.