People don't want life insurance!

My clients don’t necessarily want life insurance. Nobody ever proudly holds up their new life insurance policy and takes a photo to show on their socials or plans a weekend of exciting life insurance shopping.

What my clients want is security and peace of mind. The security and peace of mind that comes with knowing that if something happens to them, their family are financially safe and protected or if they can’t continue working, their income and ability to support their family can continue.

My clients generally fit in to one of two categories:

  1. They’ve seen first hand, via the experiences of friends, family, colleagues or a neighbour, that things do go wrong and how significant it can be knowing the family home can be paid out when a loved one passes away or is fighting a medical battle. They wouldn’t want to have their own family battling to keep the household going while coming to terms with losing someone.

  2. They’re healthy, never need to go to the doctor, don’t like the idea of paying for something they possibly won’t need BUT also don’t like the idea of leaving their family with no income or way of paying the bills when they need to.


A good risk advisor has three roles to play (and selling you a policy that is then set and you don’t hear from them again, isn’t one of those roles).

  1. Help you work out what’s most important. Is it having the best coverage in place, with all the bells and whistles, or is it having something in place and you’re willing to forego some of the bells and whistles to stick within a budget

  2. Select and help you implement the right cover with the right provider for your situation. Monitor and review this coverage each year to ensure it stays relevant to your family, career and financial situations.

  3. Most importantly, be here to support and guide you if you or your family ever need to make a claim.


People don’t want life insurance. They don’t want to deal with insurance companies. They don’t want to be ripped off. They don’t want to be having awkward conversations about what happens if someone gets cancer or has a heart attack.

They want to protect the people that are important to them and they want to know who to turn too when and if something does go wrong.

At Business Risk Solutions we are a financial planning organisation that is specialised in this area. We don’t advise on your superannuation assets, retirement planning or shares. Every day we are solely focused on providing our clients with security, protection and peace of mind.


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